Hijri year 1444h will commence with the spiritual occasion of Eid ul Huzn wal Buqa, much awaited by Mumineen throughout the year. In preparation of such a sacred event, Mumineen brace themselves and prepare for the optimum Nauh and Aweel on Imam Husain AS as per the farmaan and khushi of our beloved Dai, Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS . Not to mention that during this Season of Ohbat and preparations for Ashara Mubaraka 1444, the Tazyeen of our Home / Masjid / Markaz for such an event is also a priority task. Hence we have launched our products this early to deliver on time. We at SMB Designs have tried to make Tazyeen materials in which the Home / Masjid / Markaz is adorned in the way that the ambience of Gham and Huzn is created. S.M.B. Designs team is constantly putting efforts since 15 years to provide appropriate designs, quality products and best of services to suit your budgets and needs. Write us at smbdesigns@gmail.com to help us improvise through your precious f